Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Burn Face Fat Diet

Burn Face Fat Diet

Thinking about how to lose face fat but not sure where to start? Fair enough. The web of fat loss advice on the internet is rife with misinformation and, with the dawn of social sharing platforms like TikTok and Instagram, the proliferation of suspect weight loss advice is higher than ever. What you actually need is legitimate expertise, especially if trying to lose weight in your face is a serious concern of yours.

One thing to note: facial fat is never, ever a marker of worth – in fact, it's natural and necessary for humans to hold a certain amount of body fat. Without enough of it, your hormones and overall health can take a serious dip.

If you're searching for how to lose face fat because you're concerned about holding onto excess bodily fat, that's one thing. If you're looking for information to change the natural shape of your face or to push your body past what it naturally wants to be, that's not so good. Remember, we are all different and that's brilliant – any healthy goal should be based on living your healthiest, best life, not about punishing or pushing yourself to extremes.

Fortunately, we have expert advice in abundance here at WH and have called in the specialists to set you straight on how to get rid of face fat safely and sustainably.

Can you lose fat from just your face?

Let's get this straight from the jump: it is not possible to spot reduce fat from any one part of your body. That means fat loss from your face alone is not humanly feasible.

Instead, working to lose body fat will result in overall fat loss, including your face. However, it's good to remember that the rate of fat loss from each area will vary due to genetics and where your body naturally likes to hold onto fat. If you start to lose fat and it hasn't come off your face it either means you need to be patient – or, if you're at a healthy body weight – that perhaps you don't need to and your face shape is was it is.

What are the causes of face fat?

  • Genetics
  • Lifestyle factors: stress, poor nutrition
  • Medication
  • Underlying health conditions
  • Hormones and menstrual cycle hormonal changes

    'Where we store fat is somewhat determined by our genetics,' explains Harley Street's Cranley Clinic's Dr Shirin Lakhani. 'Some people are more likely to store fat around their lower body or middle, whereas others store it around the face. Losing fat from around the face can be the same as trying to lose fat anywhere else on the body, and so basic weight loss principles need to be exercised.'

    Basic weight loss principles (aka learning how to lose weight well) include looking after your nutrition, minimising stress, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. It doesn't ever include crash diets or overly restrictive eating protocols. Take our word for it.

    So whether it's face fat you're trying to lose or perhaps you're trying to get rid of belly fat or lose body fat in general, keep a calm head on your shoulders – we've got expert-backed advice to help you get there safely and sustainably.

    Can face fat be dangerous?

    Sometimes, excess facial fat can be the side effect of certain medications, treatment courses or, in rare instances, underlying conditions.

    'A round face can sometimes be a side-effect of steroid treatment or in rare cases a symptom of Cushing's syndrome, which occurs when the body is exposed to excess cortisol for a long time. This is typically caused by a tumour on the pituitary gland or other adrenal gland diseases that affect hormone production,' says Dr Lakhani.

    If you suspect your face fat might be a consequence of something more serious, reach out to your GP. They'll be able to set you straight and help you understand more about what might be going on.

    How to tell the difference between fat and bloating

    Sometimes, especially after a big night or sodium-rich takeaway, your face can look particularly puffy. This doesn't mean you've gained weight overnight, just that you're experiencing bloating. Dr Lakhani breaks it down:

    'Weight gain in the face happens when extra fat deposits build up around the sides of our face, causing it to become rounder, fuller and puffier. Facial bloating tends to fluctuate daily depending on the underlying cause whereas excess facial fat typically occurs from poor diet, lack of exercise, genetics or age.

    'For example, women experiencing menopause symptoms can notice weight gain because of the hormone changes. Fat is usually more visible in the cheeks, jowls and under the chin and neck.'

    So, keep an eye on it day to day if you're concerned but watch out for lifestyle factors that can contribute to excess facial bloating, like alcohol and caffeine.

    How alcohol contributes to facial bloating

    'Water retention, or oedema as it's medically known, occurs when fluid builds up in your body, usually in the spaces between your body's cells or in your circulatory system. It is most commonly characterised as puffiness in the extremities,' explains Dr Lakhani.

    'While it most commonly presents in the feet, ankles and legs, it can also manifest itself in the fingers, face and, in some cases, the belly. Water retention can result from a number of causes, including drinking alcohol.'

    While most cases of water retention can be treated at home, anyone suffering from severe, prolonged or frequent cases should seek medical advice from a qualified practitioner.

    How caffeine contributes to facial bloating

    Reaching for another cup o' joe to get through the day? You're not alone but it could be indirectly contributing to a more-puffy-than-normal face.

    'Caffeine does not in itself cause water retention, it is a diuretic. It is perfectly possible to retain water however due to being dehydrated from drinking too many caffeine-containing drinks and not enough water,' says Dr Lakhani.

    'Whilst it may sound counter-intuitive, not drinking enough water will make the body go into a dehydration mode where it tries to retain what it has.'

    So, put down the mug and grab your water bottle – it's rehydration time, people.

    What to eat to lose face fat

    According to Second Nature registered dietician Fiona Moncrieff, looking at fat loss over weight loss is of paramount importance – especially because the former can lead to losing muscle mass along with fat or giving too much importance to fluctuations caused by water weight or hormonal cycles. But remember, no matter what you eat, it's not possible to lose weight just in your face – lowering your overall body fat percentage is the only way to see a change in the shape of your face.

    'To shift fat mass but maintain (or build muscle), the best diet is one that prioritises protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and a small amount of complex carbohydrates,' Moncrieff explains. Eating like this, in a calorie deficit, can help you to lose face fat sustainably.

    She recommends building your meals using the formula below:

    • 25% protein (e.g. chicken, beef, fish, tofu, or eggs),
    • 25% complex carbohydrates (e.g. quinoa, sweet potato, brown rice), and
    • 50% non-starchy vegetables (e.g. leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli).
    • Alongside this, also include a serving of healthy fats with each meal like ¼ avocado, 2 tbsp of nuts, or 2 tbsp of olive oil.

      What foods to limit to lose face fat

      'Salt intake can cause your body to retain more water, which can affect your weight readings. Eating lots of takeaway food, ready-made meals, store-bought sauces, and processed foods can lead to high salt intake. These foods also tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients, so are best to be avoided,' says Moncrieff.

      'Also, keep in mind that when you eat a higher amount of carbohydrates than you burn, the excess gets stored in your body as glycogen. Each molecule of glycogen is stored with four molecules of water, so your body retains more water in your muscle cells when eating a higher amount of carbohydrates,' she says.

      However, this isn't a call to restrict the number of carbohydrates in your diet but to look at what your body needs and adjust your intake accordingly.

      One way to work out how many carbs you need to fuel your goals is to work out the best macros for fat loss for you. Macros, meaning macronutrients, is the term to refer to the three main food groups we as humans need to live: protein, fat and carbohydrates.

      Tweaking the ratio of these can help you lose body fat and build muscle efficiently.

      Peep our handy calculator and head straight over to learn about how to calculate your macros.

      Can facial exercises help to lose face fat?

      'Some people believe that losing face fat can be achieved with the help of regular facial exercises. In fact, a 2018 study conducted at Northwestern University showed that 20 weeks of daily facial exercise did indeed yield measurably firmer skin, and fuller upper and lower cheeks,' explains Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Dr Paul Banwell.

      'The benefit of facial exercises is that they can be carried out anywhere and at any time, but in order to achieve optimum results they need to be done regularly.

      Face exercises alone won't help to lose face fat, but rather overall body fat needs to be addressed through diet and exercise in order for the face on the body, and face, to be lost.'

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      Can muscle scraping tools, like Gua Sha and jade rollers, help me get rid of face fat?

      Again, Dr Banwell brings it back to the basics: good nutrition and exercise.

      'Massaging your face with a face roller or using reflexology or Gua Sha has been seen to have many benefits, from reducing stress and releasing tension like a body massage would, to improving circulation in the face and stimulating blood flow, to helping to decrease puffiness by stimulating lymphatic drainage or distributing your skincare product.

      'However, whilst a facial roller may make your face look slimmer temporarily because it reduces puffiness, what it certainly can not do is reduce fat from the face or slim the face. The only way to do this is by nutrition, exercise or surgery.'

      Capice? Capice.

      What to consider before you think about surgery to get rid of face fat

      Undergoing surgery is a big decision and absolutely not something to be rushed into. Dr Banwell has some hard rules when it comes to considering facial surgery:

      'I would advise patients to think about why they're having the surgery and to make sure they're not doing it simply to look good for Instagram or other social media platforms.

      'Unrealistic expectations of beauty ideals (especially due to heavily filtered images) are fuelling pressure for young adults to have surgery on their face. There's now a "look" that many people feel they must adhere to and thanks to celebrities and social media surgery, have been normalised.

      'I would always advise patients not to do it in order to keep up with beauty ideals they've gleaned from Instagram or in order to simply look better on their feed.

      'Safety is also absolutely paramount. Take your time researching your surgeon prior to even inquiring about a consultation. Don't be afraid to ask them about their background and if you feel that you still need more information, ask for a second consultation before jumping in.'

      Morgan is WH's digital fitness writer with a penchant for brutal HIIT classes and thick post-workout smoothies.

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      Burn Face Fat Diet



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